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what to look for in a kids yoga program

Also cute moves and silly faces can be part of a kid's yoga program, we realize at KNY that purpose makes classes more valued and fun.

Yoga-based movement, creative play, and mindful connection activities are at the core of every Meghan Jane Yoga class. As a yoga teacher for children and families I know there’s nothing cuter than a preschooler in a downward facing dog, a group of tweens flowing through a yoga sequence or a family bonding during partner poses, but there’s a lot more than just “cuteness” happening in a children’s yoga class.

Studies suggest that children who exercise may grow a better brain! How is this possible? Research points to movement activities (including yoga!) as an effective cognitive strategy to (1) strengthen learning, (2) improve memory and retrieval, and (3) enhance your child's motivation & morale.Through yoga children learn how to move their bodies with intention and strengthen their muscles. They develop self-esteem, increase listening skills and may even grow a better brain!

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