The Lazy Person's Workout

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes of daily moderate exercise.; more if you’re over a female over 40 or trying to lose weight. Here are 4 ways to get in a little exercise without a big trip to the gym.

  1. Lie down on the job… foam rollers or mini massage sticks – benefit increased circulation and you can do it sitting down-

  2. Swing it around – kettle bells are a great workout but knowing 2 simple moves can swing you body into shape-

  3. Roll over – the Gofit massage ball not only helps you roll and balance but lengthens the muslces-

  4. Pedal anywhere in the world – A recumbent bike can be the answer to traveling all over the world or better yet anywhere in your living room – its cool Nordic Track recumbent bike that has a screen and you pedal the course on screen (cities and courses all over the world) as it increases resistance like hills following the typography of the scene.

A new love for fitness can be found when you try something new everyday. It’s better to do something daily than it is to hit the gym 3x week for 60 minutes.
